9 Useful Tips To Move Your Valuables

Few days are left to move to your new home, and you look around your current home and see the tidy rooms have transformed into messy rooms. Things scattered all over the rooms make the home look scrappier. As the date of move draws close, stress mounts every second. Moving from one place to another is not a piece of cake. A proper planning with a thorough execution makes a move convenient. The thought of transferring your household items safely at the new destination constantly dwells on your mind. Boxes of unbreakable items can be transported with ease. But what about the fragile items? A delicate valuable piece of a large antique clock gifted by your grandfather or a pricey jewelry set needs to be shifted securely at the new place. How to get the valued items shifted happens to be the cause of anxiety for the people who are about to move.

Read through the tips given in this article to know the ways to carry your expensive belongings in a secured manner.

Packing non-breakable or a hardcore stuff in the boxes is quite easy. But how to pack pricey fragile items or your inestimable valuables you have cherished for all these years?

Glance through the points:

1) Fill Up An Inventory Form: Pen down the names of valuable and fragile items in the inventory form and submit to the moving agency you hire. Having filled the form, the moving company will take a special attention while handling those items. Also, they will be aware of the imperative and delicate items to be taken care of.

2) Snapshots Of Your Valuables: Before you hand over the valuables to the moving agency, click snapshots of each of the expensive items to ensure the security. If any of the items get misplaced, you can make a claim of the lost item by presenting the photos of the items.

3) An Insurance Shield: Take precautionary measures before loading the pricey items into the moving truck. Have an insurance of the expensive items need to be transferred. Have a replacement cost coverage insurance for an extra shield. The purpose of this insurance will be to refund or to get the items fixed if battered or dented.

4) Prudence On Special Items: Precious ornaments, financial papers, official files, medications and insurance file should be taken along with you in your move. Sending those confidential and important stuff into the moving vehicle could be hazardous.

5) Use Of Hardcore Boxes: Valuables which seem to impossible to carry along with you in your vehicle, pack them in hardcore boxes or cardboard boxes to stave off from cracking and breaking.

6) Extra Wrap: A single wrap on the brittle items may not vouch for the protection. Bubble wrap them for an extra protection of your treasured possessions. To avert cracks on the glassware items, give a double wrap. You can get 150 Ft. bubble wrap on Amazon easily for less than $15.

7) Keep The Dishes Intact: Having rightly packed those expensive dishes can prevent from getting broken. Bear in mind to place the dishes in layers, wrapped with newspapers and then put them in the box. Placing dishes in vertical position wrapped up in papers inside a tight-fitting box can keep the dishes intact.

8) Use Painter’s Tape: For the fragile valuables, mark a sign of ‘X’ with painter’s tape or paste a sticker naming ‘handle with care’ in colored letters to make visible to the workers who load and unload the items from the moving truck.

9) A Tight-Fitted Pack: After you pack fragile items, shake the boxes once to find if the items placed inside are tightly fitted. If there is a gentle jerk, then unpack and fit all the sides of the box with papers to prevent from jerking.

Mellow your stress on your moving day.

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