7 Tips To Save Money On Car Insurance

Driving a car is joy for some and requirement for others. Whatever be the reason for you, if you are driving a car on road, it becomes necessary to have a car insurance. The cost of car insurance is another expense that you have to bear on a regular basis. But if you take some time and use the following steps, you can bring down the insurance cost much lower.


1. Compare Car Insurance Quotes Online

If you spend some time online to compare car insurance quotes, you will see that there are many options available other than your current provider and you may be surprised by the rates there. Many car insurance companies that sell only through online channel, save money that goes to agent. A part of this saving is usually passed as a benefit to the customer.



2. A Good Credit History Goes A Long Way

A lot of insurers use the credit history to price the insurance policy since research shows that people who manage their credit more effectively, make fewer claims

3. Make Deductible Higher

Deductible is the amount you are supposed to pay towards an insured loss. You are kind of sharing the risk between you and the insurance company. If you increase the deductible, it can take your insurance cost much lower, but there is a catch, you should keep some cash aside in case you have to make a claim

4. Car Insurance Comparison on Different Channel

Do compare car insurance quotes from different channels like internet, independent agents, mobile app and do ask your friends. Many companies can provide a cheaper rate on a particular platform just to promote it.
For example, if a company is trying to promote its mobile app, you may find a good app only deal that is not available on other platform like website or the agent.

5. Ask Your Home Insurer For a Car Insurance Quote

Yes, your home insurance company may provide you a good discount if you get your car insurance with them too. These bundle deals can fetch you a good discount without any other factor playing a role in insurance quote price.

6. Check If You Can Get Low Mileage Discount

If you drive less than the average number of miles per year, you may be very well eligible for a low mileage discount. People who drive have less probability of making a claim, and this point goes in your favour.

7. Group Car Insurance Can Also Save

Some companies offer discounts on group insurance plans, it may be through your employer, alumni group or some business groups. If you can find a group that you belong to and the discount is available for it, you can easily save some cost on your car insurance premium.

These are not sure shot ways or shortcuts to save money on car insurance, it will take some time and effort to find a good combination or offer to save some cost but it is well worth the effort.

You must understand that each car insurance quote is different for each driver. So that quote someone else is getting, you may not get. But if you spend some time before signing the cheque the figure on the cheque may be lower. It’s time to save some money.

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