Moving is always a very exciting time as it normally implies that you are beginning a new phase of your life. However, whether you are moving with your family or absolutely alone, you still have to go through the adjustment of settling into a new neighborhood or city. You find yourself around a lot of new people and thus, begin the process of making friends with them.
When you move, you leave behind all the familiar people from your life, people who were part of your every day. Living in a place means finding new people who will fulfill such roles in your life. No one likes to live a lonely existence, and making friends can be one of the most effective ways of adapting to your new environment. Even if you have moved with your family, you will still need people who are your age and share similar interests and beliefs.
Once you’ve moved to your new home, the people who are the most obvious option as friends are your neighbors. If you’re lucky, you’ll have friendly and hospitable neighbors who will drop in on you before you can think of making the first move.

Making friends with neighbors
Once you’ve moved to your new home, the people who are the most obvious option as friends are your neighbors. If you’re lucky, you’ll have friendly and hospitable neighbors who will drop in on you before you can think of making the first move. If not, why not throw a housewarming party and invite all your neighbors over? This is a great way of putting yourself out there and letting them know you’re not the grouchy type but a warm, friendly addition to the neighborhood. Such people are always welcome to any neighborhood and people are always ready to get along with neighbors.
Making friends with colleagues
If you’ve moved to a new place, then you most likely have a new job too. Your office can be a place where you can make friends too. Your colleagues are likely to have interest similar to yours and there might be a few of them who are around your age too. Don’t shut yourself off from them. Go out of your way to talk to the people you work with, don’t say no to an evening of drinks with them and keep yourself open to spending time with them outside the office space. You don’t even have to wait to be invited for such an activity; instead, you can invite them for drinks after work as well.
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Get involved in community activities
If you’re lonely since your recent move, make an effort to join group activities that are available around your residence. Join the local gym or community center and get involved in their activities. This is a guaranteed way of meeting new people and making friends. You can join the nearest club or volunteer with a local charity to be a part of larger activities that include a wide variety of people. Participating in local sports or taking a class can also bring you in contact with people who can potentially be your friends.
Reconnect with people
If you’re hesitant to go up to people you barely know and make the attempt to befriend them, why not look up people you know who already live there? Social media networks have made it awfully simple to stay in touch with people from all over the world so get in touch with someone who now lives in the same place as you. They could be your relatives or ex-colleague or even an acquaintance from school or college. Trying to make friends with people, who are, for all intents and purposes, veritable strangers can be daunting. On the other hand, reconnecting with old friends can be comforting and reassuring.
It’s good to see someone thnkinig it through.