www.usps.com/umove used to be the launch page of your online change of address process. But sometime back this URL has been de-comissioned by USPS. It was mentioned in the post where we have discussed the detailed process of filing free USPS change of address online. Though the page where you have to fill the online form is still at that place where it used to be, as mentioned in resource part at the end of that page. Here is the link.
The post is still useful as the prcess still looked same on first two steps. We need to get it checked with the full process to see if there is any change in the process. The only thing that has changed on the page is design so it looks a little different but on carefully checking it came out to be same.
Here is the old design –

Here is the new design –

So we can safely assume that not much has changed. This is initial post or more of a small draft to let our readers know that the address www.usps.com/umove has actually stopped working.
A more detailed analysis will be posted in few days as mentioned above. But initial thoughts and a quick glance points towards no major changes. So if you have to apply for USPS change of address, you still have to pay same $1 fee to verify your identity while applying.
As you know USPS charges that $1 to make sure you are authorize to do it and cross verify. All other details mentioned on the first two steps are same. But you should use your intelligence if you see any differnce. As mentioned in the step by step process of changing address online the process is actually self explanatory.
I had bookmarked that URL and when I tried to search it, I could not find it. I searched a lot on USPS site also. I thought it was some kind of spoof site that I was looking for, but your post confirmed.
Thanks Abey.
You are welcome. I am glad you found it helpful.
They probably forgot to put a 301 redirect on the old URL, so many people had difficulty finding that particular url.