15 Tips To Help Your Older Adults Move

On one hand, moving can be exciting for young people. On the other hand, moving disrupts emotionally for older adults. There are a lot of advantages of move which can turn out to be beneficial for most seniors. The upsides of the move such as, a new locations, healthy nutrition, socialization, better families and so on help older adults breathe in a healthy and happy environment.

Moving to a new place gives an opportunity to bask in the amenities offered by the surrounding of your new residence. It cannot be denied that moving is not a smooth process. It is strenuous and labor intensive. Especially, when you are moving with the senior members of your family at an unknown destination, moving becomes arduous, as the relocation brings a psychological disturbance for older citizens.

Aged people tend to clinch to their roots and personal stuffs. Hence, it gets tough to convince them and make them shift to an unfamiliar location. If you are pondering over how to make your older adults move in an unfamiliar environment, then have a glance over the article to get to know 10 useful tips which will help your senior members move without a hitch.

senior people moving

Break The News Of Moving At A Suitable Time:

Do not rush into giving the news of relocation when your older citizens are not in their right frame of mind. Consider an apt time to open up the news of move when everyone is around. Include your relatives in the discussion of your move, as it will help for the elderly people to understand the convenient side of moving in a better way.

Avoid False Promises:

Do not make false promises or sugarcoat your words when talking about the moving process to your elderly persons. Have a frank and clear discussion with them. Let them know the reasons and every aspect of your relocation. Explain them the positive sides of moving and how the new residence could be fruitful for all. Talk about the living conditions such as the living space, facilities, locality and so forth.

Consider Elderly People’s Choice Of Belongings:

When you sort out the stuffs of your senior members, you must ensure to involve them in order to know their decision on their belongings. Do not sort out their items in their absence. As older people have attachment for their possessions, you should always seek their decisions when packing their items for relocation. Never discard their belongings without their consent. Try to know which items your senior members would like to take along with them during the move.

Active Participation:

Involve your older people in the process of move. Take into account every minute decision of the senior citizens and consult with them every necessary thing in regards to your move. Make them believe that their involvement is imperative for the smooth process of the move. Inculcate the interest of move in them by way of seeking every little piece of advice from your elderly people.

Respect Their Sentiments:

Especially, during packing the household items of your senior members, you should give them complete independence in carrying out their prized belongings with them. Whether it is their old clock, a furniture piece, or a pile of books, you must allow them to take along their treasured belongings. Let them know that the new apartment of yours has a special space to place their loved items. Bear in mind to have interest on their key stuffs which might seem worthless for you.


Give your senior members to select their stuffs for move. Hence, let them know the news of relocation months ahead, so that they can have enough time to ponder over the stuffs they want to get shipped in the new residence. Value their preferences and let them take their own time to decide on their personal items.

Give Your Helping Hand:

At the time and packing their stuffs, you should share their part of moving tasks by helping them in their packing. Develop interest in their belongings which might not be apt for the new abode. If necessary, keep separate days for packing their possessions. Include your children and neighbors to offer a helping hand to your senior members in placing their belongings into the packing boxes.

Be Supportive:

Your support and encouragement play a vital role in making your senior adults move along with you. Your supportive nature and accepting their decisions wholeheartedly will make the process of move convenient for you and them as well.

Pack Sentimental Objects Carefully:

If you have hired a professional packer for packing delicate objects, you should make sure to carefully pack the fragile items which your parents or grand-parents wish to transport at the new location. Tell the packing crew to be cautious when packing the items of your senior members. Let your senior adults know that their items are inestimable for you too and they will have the leisure to use their pricey belongings at their new residence.

Hire A Reliable Senior Move Manager:

The benefit of booking a senior move manager is the professionals of the authentic moving agency are specialized and experienced in making the transition comfortable for the family of older adults. From packing to loading, the moving crew knows how to look after the household possessions and other items of elderly people. Considering the emotional aspects of seniors, the mover will deal the moving process effectively. The movers also know the ways to tackle and understand the moving requirements of older adults and their respective families.

Highlight The Process Of Move In Advance:

As the moving is cumbersome, the senior members will have countless queries and doubts regarding the process of move. Let your older adults inform about the tidbit of your moving plans. You need to mentally prepare your senior citizens in advance by giving them a report of your moving schedule. Right from packing to delivering the items, keep your seniors posted about every process of relocation.

Security Of Their Possessions:

Watching your prized objects transporting at another place is not a pleasant sight. Creeping up an unknown fear in your older people’s mind is quite natural. Give the assurance of safety of their valuable possessions to your senior adults at the time of loading and driving away their objects. You can ease their worries by updating their senior members the current status of shipment.

Be Polite:

It will not be easy for the senior adults to accept the new changes of moving into an unfamiliar location. Maintain a proper decorum and be polite to them at all times. Take their old age into account and make the move easy for them. Keep them away from lifting up heavy objects. Try to make the relocation comfy for them. Keep their medicines handy and cater a cushy environment during the move.

Present Snaps Of Their New Apartment:

Make them feel their importance by showing the senior members some snapshots of the new house. Instill the interest of the move by showing the space, the colorful shades on the wall, the furniture placement and interior decoration of their room.

Organize A Farewell Gathering:

Invite all the friends and dear ones of the older adults for a farewell gathering at your present home. Allow your older members to hand over visiting cards of the new residence to the visitors. By doing this, you will help older family members to stay connected with their fast friends even after relocating at another place. Elevate the party spirit and conduct the gathering enjoyable for them.

Lessen the grief and anxiety of the senior adults by providing the comforts to them. Do not let relocation stress affect their mind. Honor their choices and preferences in connection to moving procedure. By including them in your plans, you allow them to take independent actions in the moving process. The aforementioned 15 tips will sure to make transition with your most loved older adults successful.

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